Your home’s HVAC system functions to regulate temperature and circulate the airflow throughout your home. With the air being constantly circulated, it’s important to maintain proper indoor air quality this summer (and throughout the year). Allergens and other airborne irritants are at an all-time high during the summer months. Even if they can’t be seen by the naked eye, tiny particles and contaminants circulate in the air we breathe. Therefore, air pollution has an impact on everyone- even if you don’t notice the side effects right away. To counteract this, we strongly advise using UV lights to help improve indoor air quality. Chillicothe Heating & Cooling cares for you and your family’s health and well-being. So please keep reading as we discuss some information about UV lights and discover how they may aid in improving indoor air quality.
How Are UV Lights Beneficial?
Several advantages of UV lights have been discovered over the years. It has been known that poor indoor air quality can have both short-term and long-term effects, some of which include: reducing disease and risks of germs, removing unwanted odors and scents from your home, and lowering the chance of mold and mildew growth. In addition, those who suffer from asthma or allergies may find additional help when UV lights are used in their house. So when UV lights are properly utilized in a home, they will most definitely aid in raising your home’s indoor air quality to a higher level.
How Do UV Lights Work?
UV lights are the most effective means of sanitizing your house’s air since they have a 99.9 percent accuracy rate. When a contaminant or airborne particles come into contact with the bulb’s UV beam, the UV ray neutralizes the bacteria immediately. The DNA damage caused by this prevents the contaminant from regenerating and recovering by attacking its DNA at its core, preventing the bacteria from recreating itself.
How Do UV Lights Get Installed?
UV lights are usually installed in your air ducts. Typically, one to three UV bulbs are used. This number is determined by a variety of criteria, including the size of your home and where the fixtures need to be placed. It’s also worth noting that installing UV requires knowledge and skill. Because of this, if you’re considering having them done, contact a qualified professional like Chillicothe Heating & Cooling who can handle the work and provide you with exceptional service.
UV lights may be the answer for you if you want to improve the quality of air inside your house. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any further concerns regarding indoor air quality. Chillicothe Heating & Cooling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So what are you waiting for? For all of your HVAC questions and requirements, please contact us at (740) 281-2186, or click here to schedule an appointment now!