The ability to produce heat and stay warm has always been crucial for humankind’s survival. So, where does the origin story of the modern furnace begin? Somewhere in between the idea of the primal fireside flame and the rise of the Roman empire, furnace history...
Spring is less than a month and a half away, but we Ohioans aren’t entirely out of the snow and cold season yet. Therefore, we need to stay prepared for the weather and any worst-case scenarios with the ever-fluctuating weather. With that being said, your...
With gas prices and inflation going up, as a homeowner, you are probably looking for the most economical ways to cut back where you can to save the most money. However, paying a heating bill throughout the winter can be costly. At Chillicothe Heating & Cooling, we...
Have you ever been given a tip from someone on how to save energy with your furnace? Maybe they instructed you to try or not to try something concerning your HCAV system. Unfortunately, there are a number of furnace myths that give homeowners a lot of false...
“He’s nipping at your nose. You can feel him in your toes. A shiver and a tear. Let’s you know Jack Frost is here.” As the beloved song goes, the frost season is indeed here! Your furnace should be ready for this season, and your home should be...
As a homeowner, it is important to know that HVAC systems all have different lifespans. If you know how old your system is before purchasing your home it will allow you to plan ahead. A great question to ask the previous homeowners is whether they have maintenance...